Paul Alan Laughlin's

Recommended Readings

. . . by progressive Christian, integral, and
other stimulating authors

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The most advanced souls among us are, of course, beyond the need
  for reading or writng.  Next in depth are those who dwell in the
silence of the Absolute, but feel the urge to write readings; and
close behind are those who merely read writings dropped by those just
ahead. We are all on the same path, whose name is "Freedom."  Some
(mostly women) are simply more comfortable asking for directions.

                                   - Sri Abhidharma Satyananda
                                   (Swami Mahajnana)


"Is God All in Your Head?"
by Craig Hamilton

From What is Enlightenment magazine.


"So What DO We Believe?"
"by Ian Lawton

This is a recent (3/16/2006) essay by the former minister
of Christ Community Churh, Spring Lake, Michigan.
If it whets your appetite for more, there is an archive of his
writings under "Resources" on the church's Web site (here).



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