Theological Musings

by C. Grey Austin, Ph.D.

Installment XXIV -- February 1998

It is a joy to publish someone else's "Musings."  These articles of belief came to me as a gift from CJ Baker, friend and writer, who tells me that my efforts inspired her to muse and to write.   I am pleased to offer her thoughts for your consideration. -- CGA

Theological Musings

by CJ Baker

I believe:

1. There ARE spiritual laws to be used on this Earth, which, if followed, result in more peace, more happiness, more positives in general.

2. Due to the spiritual nature of these laws, their results are over-archingly powerful, that is, they affect every aspect of our lives.

3. Due to the spiritual nature of humans themselves, following these laws is our tendency, and varying from them requires conditioning and effort.

4. Humans have an innate desire to reach for a state which agrees with living in accord with the laws.

5. The laws have been expressed and interpreted in similar ways by many great religious traditions.

6. The laws have been distorted by fear, and desire for inappropriate power, and other non-helpful feelings and thoughts.

7. The laws always win, even when they appear to lose.

8. Humans can choose to avoid acting in accord with the laws, but they cannot avoid the consequences of not acting in accord with the laws.

9. Everything every human needs (not wants -- needs) is present in his/her life -- spiritually, (not necessarily physically, emotionally, etc.)

10. We are spiritual beings living in a spiritual plane:  therefore, spiritual laws are supreme.   The physical Earth is part of our spiritual experience.

11. Death is not an ending any more than birth is a beginning;  both are experiences of beings who exist.

12. Suffering is no more an experience than a birthday party;  both are experiences of spiritual beings who exist.

13. We experience all that we are willing to experience at the time.  When willingness comes, we experience other things.

14. We experience forces that aid in our willingness;  we call those forces God, love, friendship, therapists, etc.

15. We experience forces that hinder our willingness to have experiences; we call those forces Evil, sin, psychological problems, etc.

16. We already know everything we could ever know;  it is our willingness to experience all we know that remains to be demonstrated.

17. The Earth plane is the place of demonstration.

18. We can express some of the laws but not all;  the whole of the law is a way of being and not a thing of doing.

19. One law is to treat other humans in the same manner that feels good when others offer it to you.

        One law is to give without being invested in the results of your giving,
         and to receive as if the world overflows with abundance.

        One law is to refrain from judging your own and others' motives and actions,
         lest you become more vested in those actions' results than in having the experience.

        But these laws, and others given by High Holy Men throughout Earth history,
         are not the whole picture; they are only a few lines to the picture that
         portrays "willingness to experience."

20. Heaven and Hell are not places;  they, too, are experiences.

21. Other individuals cross your path to be experienced.  You will know when they are to arrive and when they are to leave if you are willing to experience that knowing.

22. You can choose to experience poverty.  You can choose prosperity.  You can choose to experience illness. You can choose death, or merry-go-rounds, or raising handicapped children. To choose implies that you actually have willingness, however, to all that accompanies those choices.   If you do not have complete willingness, your alleged choice is not a real choosing and you will not experience that thing.

23. You experience by choosing which experience to be willing to have.   No "effort" "causes" experiences; complete willingness causes experience, as experience is everywhere present for us at all times. Therefore, you are having the experience you are having because you have "screened out" others.

24. The spiritual plane you are now experiencing is limited only by your willingness to allow your imagination to tell you all that you know about everything that is.

25. You cannot cease having experience.  You can only filter which experiences you will allow. You can only choose willingness or non-willingness.  The experiences remain, and your innate tendency to reach for personal accord with the laws remains.  Those facts are the sources of your disquiet.

26. The forces you experience, aiding and hindering your willingness, arise from your own interface with all other beings who exist.

27. You were not created.  You exist.  Earth was created, as a field of demonstration for beings who exist.

28. You can remember as much about that creation and your existence as you are willing to remember.

29. There is no doing and not-doing.  There is only demonstrating one experience or another.

30. Earth has time, but you do not.  Earth has form, but your form is non-real.  Earth has damage or health, but you have only experience to choose from. When you understand this, you may choose other than fretfulness for your demonstrating.

31. You can be many persons.  You can be one person. You can choose that also.  Many lives.  One life.  Whatever you want to demonstrate you can choose.

32. And what of change, and transformation (BIG change)? Change is another move of willingness.  Another step, if you will, towards hearing what we already know.   Another choice.  And transformation looks big, but it is a choice that acknowledges a larger piece of that willingness to know what we know.

33. Every being operates within these same choices and these same laws, whether they are willing to believe that or not.

(Copyright 1998 by CJ Baker, all rights reserved.   Used by permission.)

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