Theological Musings

by C. Grey Austin, Ph.D.

Installment XXI -- Christmas 1996

For unto us a child is born --
the divine and the human are combined in the person of Jesus (and in us)
God is incarnate in our elder brother Jesus (and in us)

What is it to be divinely human and humanly divine?

it is to carry within us the stardust of the Big Bang (Brian Swimme)
it is to carry within us the divine stardust of the Creation (Kabbalah)
it is to embody spirit (Jacquelyn Small)
it is to embody the healing power of the mind/body relationship (Deepak Chopra)
it is to contain the potential for health and wholeness (Jeremy Taylor)
it is to be the self-awareness of the planet (Brian Swimme)
it is to be the ecological caretaker for the planet (Rupert Sheldrake)
it is to manifest Divine Mind (Ernest Holmes)
it is to partake of the holy, healing energy-essence of eternity
it is to carry the infinite potential of the Christ within, the Buddha self, the Tao
it is to express the love, joy, peace, hope and harmony that is fully human
       and fully divine
it is to be one with all
it is to be one with the One
The Christ is born -- in each of us. Hallelujah!!
This day the divinity in me salutes the divinity in you.

(Copyright 1997 by C. Grey Austin, all rights reserved.)

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